Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Well, it's been a while since last posted- have to catch up on working on 23 things among new home closing, packing for our NY,MA,Ct trip the end of this wk, and packing up our townhome for moving. Yikes- I am trying not to panic thinking about all that- and luckily I have had a lot of chocolate lately to help smooth over the emotional pitfalls.
I am also sad to hear about Daphne's cousin, that a family man serving our country has made the ultimate sacrifice.I wish the world was full of peace and understanding instead of petty arguements about fuel, religion, and pretty much any arguement that people with bombs, guns and other weapons use to protest their side of the arguement.
I think of all the families who have stood in a church and cemetary saying their final goodbyes to a person who was full of hope and loved this country. It's not a picture that I like to see repeated over and over again.
(and NO I am not fond of Bush as President). I will pray for Daphne's family and hope that this war in Iraq will one day end for our troops, so that they will be home with their family and friends-safe.Loved.Laughing.Healing their wounds.
I can't really feel motherfunny today so I'm sure after our road trip there will be yet another oustanding Perreault story. For now, my head bows down in respect for all those servicemen who have, and are- fighting for all of us.I also hope that we all remember that the Fourth of july should pretty much be a sentiment we have everyday in our own dealings with others- respect-home and family,and country.


Daisies and Daffodils said...

What a wonderful tribute to Daphne's cousin and all the other brave troops. I also bow my head in prayer to honor all those who are fighting for our freedom and for all of those who have made the ultimate sacrafice.
Donna Woods

IrmBrown said...

OK... I get it... this is your personal blog ... you are off and running... will you be OK using this for your 23 things too? You know, you can create a separate one if you don't want to mix them.. and just link them... up to you. There's still time to do all 23 Things... :-)

IrmBrown said...

Me again... what's the plan? You can still pick up and start! Don't give up....